Madjool - great food and a great view of San Francisco

The Madjool restaurant on Mission and 21st has a great roof garden terrace with views to downtown and the Bay Bridge. Panorama to follow when I've stitched it.

In the style of Elena - had one too many?

well stop!

Pictures taken in
Kokarri San Francisco

No, _this_ is the world's ugliest car?

I had thought that I'd already seen the world's ugliest car in Gilroy only a few days ago. Seems not. Then I saw the Scion. OK very cool paint job, but very similar to Postman Pat's van?

You decide!
Scion with cool paint job

Postman Pat's Van

San Francisco and Bay Area March 2008

Well its back to SF and the Bay Area. Although its early March the temperature is mid 60s F / 16ºC, which makes a welcome change from 0ºF / -15ºC in Montreal only last week!

A new way to misplace the apostrophe? No!

Having been corrected, I now know that in fact this photo shows an example of correct use of an apostrophe.

Mexican Restaurant in Ralston, CA, USA

If you are in the Bay Area, and you like Mexican food, you col do worse than try Hola! in Ralston.

Forgive the rubbish photo. It what happens when you only have your camera phone with you.

The World's Ugliest Car, seen in Gilroy, CA, USA

This is the world's ugliest car, and I saw it in Gilroy, CA, USA

I also saw a car there with the most pointless fake wood paint job and fake wood trim