Doozer of a hairstyle

What with all the dodgy mustaches going round due to Movember and yes I have one described by my nearest and dearest as looking like Dick Dastardly, its a funny time of the year for facial and head hair.

So there I was, walking down Oxford Street today, and I found myself behind someoe with a hairstyle that looked very much like a hat. Except it wasn't. The rings you can see are concentric cuts into the hair.

Like I said, a real doozer.

Guy Fawkes Night and Fireworks

Guy Fawkes
(sometimes also known as Guido Fawkes) lived from 13 April 1570 to 31 January 1606) and has had a lasting impression on history. Thought he wasn't the leader of the Gunpowder Plot of November 1605, he was in charge of the explosives.

Here's how I took them.